Wednesday, June 24, 2009

How to safeguard our personal and financial data?

1. Install a firewall to act as a gatekeeper which guards your network access.
This software checks whether data attempting to enter or leave your network should be allowed, according to rules that you define. It helps to prevent hackers from entering to your network to destroy, change or steal your data. DSL or cable modem provides an added layer of protection to your computer security as it comes with another built-in firewall while older computers or internet users who use dial-up connection are required to install a firewall separately.

2. Be vigilant while using the internet: look out for phishing scammers and viruses
contained in attachments.
Never open an attachment or click on a link embedded in an email from an unknown party. Even if the sender is a known party asking for personal details, one should independently verify the validity of the requests as well as the legitimacy of the organization. Phishers can bring you to a site which looks and feels like the authentic organization which you previously had dealings with. Also, look for small lock icon on the lower right corner of the browser window. Besides, attachments from mysterious sender can contain viruses which can corrupt your files and data.

3. Using encryption as a means to render data unreadable to unauthorized users.
Encryption is often used to achieve data security and privacy. It uses an algorithm to change the contents of computer messages or files into codes which are in an unreadable from, so as to prevent unauthorized eavesdropping along the transmission line. Only the authorized users have the “key” to convert the encrypted information or ciphertext back to a readable form.

4. Inquire web owners what precautions they have against malicious attacks
Database should be designed in a secured way, in which the database management system should not allow user to directly change the data, giving opportunities to hackers to abuse Structured Query Language (SQL) and reach parts of the system they should not be able to access. Although we are unlikely to be involved in writing a web application, we can, however, ask the web owners what precautions they have against SQL injections and other potential vulnerabilities before deciding to input our personal and financial data into its database system.

5. Back up your personal and financial information
This is certainly a sensible way to mitigate problems arising from data loss or files corrupted due to virus attack. Offsite copies of your data can be accomplished in two ways: 1) place hard copies of your personal data at a secured place; or 2) use an online service and synchronize your files with the off-site server.

6. Keeping operating systems and browser updated
Keeping both of this updated will ensure the computer to operate more efficiently and to include more security protection against infringement. Security flaws in the not-so-updated versions could be patched up in the up-to-date versions and this helps to reduce the possibility of Intruders to invade into the system and manipulating the data by taking advantage of the vulnerabilities observed.

7. Setting a strong password and be alert when you’re typing your password or pin number
A combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols will offer you a more secured password. Do not use personal information like your birthday, child’s name as your password as these can be easily guessed by others. Also, do not share your password or write it down, giving the others the opportunity to gain access to your personal and financial information. Moreover, shield your password with your hand when you’re typing it particularly in public area.

8. Install and update antispyware and antivirus programs
Virus will slow down the computer’s operation and cause data loss. Hence, do scan your computers regularly with these programs and keep them updated from time to time. This will inevitably prevent viruses, Trojan horse, spywares from attacking our computers.

To learn more, please refer to:
- Safeguard your financial life
- The best ways to safeguard personal data on social networks


galaxycharm said...


I believe human's attitude is the key to safeguard one's personal data.

Come to think about it, the solutions are abundant and available. However, we tend to be ignorant and always think that 'I won't be so unlucky one la'. This kind of perception will only lead us to all kinds of scams and gimmics.

The saying, 'prevention is better than cure'. Hence, it is vital that we take extra precaution steps rather than whinning or feeling regret after one's personal and financial data is being stolen.


galaxycharm said...

p/s: thanks for sharing the ways to safeguard our personal and financial data.

e-line said...

yes, very often,its the carelessness of human that leads to the loss or alteration of their personal and financial data.

undeniably, human's attitude and behavior play a crucial role in ensuring personal and financial data are being protected and not disclosed to unauthorised party.

thank you for sharing your views, this is indeed a great point. :)

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