Thursday, July 9, 2009

A discussion on E-learning offered in Malaysian universities: Pros and Cons from the student’s perspective

E-learning (also known as electronic learning or eLearning) is a term used for all types of technology-enhanced learning (TEL). It is the technology which is used to support the learning process. In other words, E-learning means the delivery of a learning, training, or education program by electronic devices. Nowadays, Malaysian universities such as Universiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Universiti of Malaya and etc, have incorporated the e-learning strategies into their undergraduate programs.

E-learning is able to provide a vast amount of benefits for Malaysian universities which are implementing it.
1. Accessibility.
E-learning can promote great accessibility to all students irrespective of their physical locations. The students are able to comm
unicate with their lecturers, deepen their knowledge in their particular subjects as well as materials through e-libraries by e-classes. Moreover, Universities that are well-equipped with electronic facilities can provide their fast and qualified assistance to their online students. Therefore, students’ interactions with their peers and lecturers will become easier, in comparison to a face-to-face communication.

2. Time and costs savings
By executing e-learning in the educational courses, it can reduce travel time and travel costs for off-campus students tremendously. With this, students can obtain online resources, discussion or communicate with their tutors or classmates at any time without the hassle of meeting and discussing physically.

3. Reduce environmental impact
When people are not required to travel around using vehicle to meet up, it will definitely reduce the overall unwanted waste in our Mother Earth. Waste can be hazardous to the whole ecosystem. Besides, the paper usage will also trim down by applying e-learning. The reason is because the students can directly study from the virtual notes uploaded. As opposed to using paper notes and paper assessments. Without a doubt, e-learning is a more environmentally friendly method of studying.

Nothing is perfect. Thus, there are still a few disadvantages of e-learning, which are:-
1. Inferior connection that will cause frustration.
At times, the students may face the problems due to the inferior internet connection that will result in difficulties in downloading notes, communicating and etc. In addition, they may also face the problems with the virtual notes or assessment being missing because of the usage of electronic device.

2. Lack of face-to-face communication
All in all, E-learning will cause students to have problems with understanding of explanation given by tutors because explanation online is still not as profound as a face-to-face explanation. In the long-run, student that doesn’t communicate physically may have low motivation or dreadful study habits. Other than that, the students can simply become lazier and will always procrastinate their work and in return, not being able to meet datelines. Last but not least, students will tend to feel isolated from their tutors and classmates.

Related Links: -

Electronic Learning
My E-learning talk wawasan open
Advantage of e-learning
Article of e-learning


galaxycharm said...


I agree with you that E-learning is being exposed to the education world slowly but surely.

I would like to add on another advantage of eLearning, which is the students are able to trade reading materials. By doing so, students can interact and share their thoughts towards a common topic which is discussed on the Internet. Not to mention that students can also pass on textbooks to juniors, as long as someone has uploaded it. In this case, students no longer need to spend money on buying new textbook or to photostat it.

On the other hand, I do agree with the disadvantages which you have mentioned regarding eLearning. It takes time to get used to this new form of learning process. Therefore, it is advisable not to rush this new system or else weaker students will be left out and become an outcast.


e-line said...

hi galaxycharm,
thank you for your contribution of idea to the e-learning post. we do admit that we have overlooked another PRO of e-learning which is it can be used as an communication tool for interactive learning and information sharing with one another.

thanks again for the reminder! =)

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